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Who Will Profit Most from New GUP?

Investors, project designers and construction companies appear to have all gotten what they wanted from the new Urban Development Master Plan (GUP) – the opportunity to build throughout Zagreb in a much less constricted way. The paper lists the...

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EPH CEO Stipe Oreskovic

Helsinki Satisfied with Crotram

Quaestus Real Estate IPO

Belupo Trying to Establish Pharmacy Chain

Plodine Makes Big Strides

Sailing Weekend

The Sunsail / Thirsty Thursday Sailing Weekend

 We are planning another sailing weekend for the May Bank holiday.  If you are interested, please email us to register.  CLICK HERE


For advice on buying property, living, working or moving to Croatia, please contact us. Click on the image below to launch a live CHAT session, alternatively email us directly with your questions. 


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Adriatic Property Services has a range of removal services available to assist people in getting their belongings into Croatia. Click here for details

General News

Sanader Looking at SDP Economic Cadre


HDZ appears to lack top economists and has been looking into attracting SDP experts, notably Branko Grcic and Ljubo Jurcic, to its government team. PM Designate Sanader has even praised Grcic in the media. Jurcic is said to have rebuffed all advances,...

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Coalition Agreement Signed


HSS and HSLS have finally signed the agreement with HDZ after almost a month of negotiations. Media report on the content of their agreement and the continuing tug of war over the posts in the new executive government. PM Designate Sanader wants HSS...

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INA and Natural Gas Price


INA appears to have taken the matter natural gas prices into its own hands while the new Government has been in the midst of formation. Apparently, the national oil company has begun charging industrial consumers new consumer rates without official...

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Least Bad Solutions for Oil Price Sought


Many observers believe the Government has no real strategy for dealing with the exploding energy prices. While most believe that there is really no good answer around, they do stress that the nation must at least put together a set of the least bad...

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Coalition to Aid Small Business


The new coalition government has already announced a marked increase in State support to small- and medium-sized businesses. This policy is a continuation of the former government’s efforts to cut the costs of red tape in the private sector,...

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How Realistic Is Union Threat?


Some analysts doubt the unions have the strength to stage a mass street demonstration to demand increased wages as compensation for surging prices in food, utilities and fuel. Some view the threats of universal demonstrations as a ploy by the unions...

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SSSH Joins Plans for Union Protests


Citizens are most concerned about the rising cost of food and utilities, according to recent poll – and especially in Zagreb. The price hikes appear to be even greater than initially announced, prompting SSSH to add its voice to the protests of...

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Agrokor Closer to Migros


Agrokor may be a big step closer to the goal of acquiring the Turkish Migros retail chain, as one of the major contenders, the French Carrefour, has dropped out of the race. Agrokor appears to be offering attractive synergies to the Turkish company....

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Glavas Inching Towards Sabor


Glavas appeared at the first 2008 hearing in the ongoing trial for war crimes despite his dodgy health condition. It is still unclear whether he will appear at the constituting session of the Sabor on Friday. His defense attorney announced he would a...

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Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer


Supplement p. 6 Chancellor Gusenbauer praises the excellent relations between Croatia and Austria, especially in terms of economic cooperation. He is convinced this cooperation will improve further once Croatia joins the EU, and encourages Croatia to...

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Italian Minority Representative Furio Radin


Radin emphasizes HDZ gave minority representatives more than he expected in exchange for receiving their support to the Government. HDZ has promised minorities that positive discrimination for voting of minorities "would be discussed in the first...

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SDSS Vice-President Milorad Pupovac


SDSS vice-president Pupovac discloses very little on the agreement his party has struck with HDZ, but explains why, as a left-wing party, SDSS has agreed to cooperate with HDZ. He expects someone from SDSS to join the new Cabinet, though he is not...

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New-Style Government Ahead


An optimistic new style of Government is about to descend upon Croatia – one that is structured around a "significantly different" coalition agreement that obliges all Cabinet decisions to be made unanimously, is very detailed and...

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Government Posts Not Allotted Yet


HSS-HSLS will reportedly be offered one Deputy Prime Minister post or one ministerial post in the new government. Very few posts are available, warns PM Designate Ivo Sanader. The Liberals are to retain five State Secretary posts, but to HSLS’s...

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Viro Sugar Refinery Owner Marinko Zadro


Zadro comments on Viro’s upcoming status as one of the largest suppliers of liquid sugar to Coca Cola in the region and a company capable of competing with the greatest European sugar refineries. Following a successful initial public offering and...

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Belupo to Take over Farmavita


Belupo, the pharmaceutical subsidiary of the foods giant Podravka, is reportedly set to acquire Farmavita of Sarajevo, BH. Though both sides are neither confirming nor denying the possibility of the acquisition, inside sources claim the deal should be...

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Real Estate Overvalued


According to an economist at the Ohio State University, real estate in Southeast Europe, including Croatia, is highly overvalued.

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EUR 50 Million Spent on Skiing Holidays


This weekend marks the traditional exodus of Croatians, some 200,000 who take skiing holidays in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. Croatian tourists on skiing holidays abroad are expected to spend as much as EUR 50 million.

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Unions Threaten Street Demonstrations


Unions, fearful that food prices and utility costs will increase at an uncontrolled rate this year due to rising energy prices, are threatening industrial action if the price hikes already witnessed continue unabated.

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OTP Bank President Damir Odak


OTP Bank CEO in Croatia thinks the HNB measures designed to control the growth of lending may act to slow down the economy, being probably too close to the expected growth of GDP when adjusted for inflation. He also doubts the wisdom of preferential...

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